What People Are Saying


Saidi is an incredible leader and a joy to know.  She is blessed with gifts of healing and helping others get the most out of their natural wellness journey.  She is a calming force in these crazy times and a gift to her community.  Saidi and I connected immediately. Her story is truly remarkable and the way she leads others on a healing path is inspirational. We should all want to reach a higher level in our experience on this planet and through energy, counseling, and self-improvement techniques. They will lead you to your higher self, a most amazing place to live!


That was such an amazing and powerful session Saidi!  I still can't believe how insightful it was.  And the message from my spirit guides!  All the things I've pushed down for so long, these sessions seem to draw them out of me to deal with and heal.  I am so grateful for you Saidi.  You've literally changed the trajectory of my life through your work: sessions, program and connection. Thank you so much!


If you feel called to Saidi, follow it. I was referred by a friend after suffering from trauma symptoms and addiction withdrawals that would not let up. After my session, I haven’t had a single craving. I feel like I’m back on my path. Saidi has supported me on my journey with energy clearing, nutrition guidance, and book recommendations. Thank you!


What words do you choose when an entire new universe has been opened up to you and your life trajectory has been permanently altered for the better?  Prayers for a new path, held for so long, answered.  The time spent and lessons learned from you have forever changed me.  What words could ever do that justice?


I did want to say that the way that you've handled everything has just blown me away.  The degree to which you hear me and evaluate (and me too) what has merit, what doesn't and some of each, and then put it into action with such grace and ease, just amazing!!!  I'm so grateful to you!


Thank you! I am feeling really good. This is the best I have felt in weeks. It’s as if the plug has been pulled from the root chakra which was backing up the entire spine.  I’m so grateful!  Game Changer.  I feel so much better!!!  Wow.  That was wild!!  Many, many releases....


What a wonderful and healing session yesterday!  The whole experience was absolutely amazing with so much detail.  Thank you so much for all that you do, you are excellent at it!


My God!  I feel the negativity lifting!  Honestly, I don't know what to say about your sessions.  I feel them so much!  You are awesome and I'm just so thankful.


I fully encourage my friends, family, and coworkers to take this program. Working with Saidi created intense, and much needed, change in my life. This is a program for warriors who are not afraid to hunt at the dark spots inside and let in the light. I have become stronger, more adept at balancing my emotions, and grounding on the fly. This was my first experience with energy healing, and Saidi is real. I felt, like REALLY felt, the energy healing sessions when and after they occurred. I can't explain it, but I know it made an impact on my body and on my life. Growing up with an atheist childhood, this was a powerful experience into spirituality for me. For those of you who have had negative religious experiences, the weekly lessons are very aware and sensitive to those feelings. If another program is released, I'm signing up. And just like any other health appointment, I know when something's "off", I'll be calling Saidi to help me clear it out. If you feel that tug to sign up for this program, listen and do it.


Saidi and I met and became friends in India, but at that time I knew nothing of her energetic healing skills. Nonetheless, several years later, when I was falling into a severe and frightening breakdown in which nothing was helping at all, out of blue, I got an inner message, call Saidi. As soon as she answered, I burst into tears and all she said was, “We’ve got this.”

It was true. Over the next year, Saidi did weekly, remote energy sessions for me and bit by bit by bit, we got through virtually everything that had ever been stuck in my life. By the end of that phase, of dealing with the deepest traumas and negativities, I was a transformed person. I had had a total collapse, to the point I was bedridden and couldn’t walk, could barely function, except for cooking a few simple meals, as Saidi had immediately put me on a new diet which also made a huge difference. The entire experience was utterly life changing, and it was all done remotely. Without a doubt, I felt the energy work; it might be immediate or delayed, subtle or could hit like a ton of bricks. After almost every session we would talk and it was amazing how what I was experiencing in my body matched with what had happened in the session. The first sessions were intense, sometimes painful, as very powerful detoxing was taking place. That phase had more to do with the physical body but as things were clearing, it took a more energetic turn and this was perhaps the most magical phase. So much stuff was revealed and exorcised, all of it unexpected and surprising. Saidi’s work kept going deeper and deeper until at some point it finally, her work became a more gentle experience. I’d made it through the worst of my inner demons.

To say that I’m a different person from Saidi’s treatments is not the least bit exaggeration. She was able to get at some energetic things that were deeply entrenched in my body and no matter what I’d tried, I couldn’t get it to move a bit. While I will always continue to work with Saidi, because I need it and purely out of joy to experience her gifts, I now too can benefit from self-healing and spiritual practices as I’m no longer locked down and lost. Saidi’s work gave me freedom and a chance for clarity and confidence to blossom. That was always in my heart, but my body was leading me down a dark and scary path. Thank God I found Saidi!!!

Saidi’s work is so effective because she doesn’t insert herself. She sets up the sessions magnificently, with great care and artistry, and then she allows the energy to work through her. She doesn’t have an agenda for her clients, she doesn’t use set patterns set up by others. She offers up all her sincerity, all of her longing to be of service, combined with her vast knowledge of the field, and she allows the energy to flow as it will. She rigorously does not allow her ego to either alter what’s happening or take credit for results. This is her practice and commitment and it makes her work maximally powerful. And keeps her endlessly fascinated, engaged, humble and in awe of the mysteries of the universe.

This is where it goes when you work with Saidi. I will never have the words enough to express my gratitude for her hard work on my behalf and her openness to letting the energy take us both to unknown and unimaginable, but necessary, experiences. Plus she then has another set of tools to help with understanding and integration.

I know Saidi also offers one session at a time and I know this too is of great benefit and in fact, I’m doing it now when she’s at various healing power places. But when I called her initially, I was in bad shape and I made the commitment to take it as far as it could go and wow, am I glad I made that decision! That said, it’s certainly not necessary for everyone and the benefits of working with Saidi are manifold, no matter the structure, but for anyone who is stuck in their life, or going down, you can’t make a better decision than to commit to working with Saidi and let it take you as far as you can go!


The 12-week program I went through with Saidi was nothing short of life altering.  The physical, mental, and spiritual healing that took place was way more than I could have ever imagined.  Aside from the healing, I was given the tools and developed rituals/practices which will carry my healing well beyond the program.
Saidi tailored her program, her teaching, healing rituals and spiritual practices to my unique needs and aspirations.  I came in with serious physical ailments, unhealthy self-medication practices (and prescription medications) do deal with my stress and anxiety, an anger towards my religious background and history, and I think a very low opinion of myself.  I did however, come in with a real desire to make a significant change in my life.  This program and her personal guidance/healing delivered on every account.  I know everyone’s experience will be different but mine was remarkable.  I am physically much healthier, achieved peace and gratitude towards my religious history, alcohol free, prescription medication free, feel good about myself, experience a real connection to my Source (God) and really feel a new lease on a once stagnant life.

I was concerned about the cost and time it would take to do this program, but I can tell you that it was the very best use of my resources I have ever spent.  If you are willing to put the time and work in, I could not recommend it enough.  It will change your life; it did mine.

It was a lot of money, and I was very nervous about spending it in this way when we started.   I think it will be a stumbling block for some, but the value is absolutely there.   I had a lot of trust in you, Saidi, and you had shown me, by your personal example, that with courage and faith, transformations were possible.   I wanted that so much.  I took the chance.

Looking back, it was the best investment in myself I have ever made.  The benefit goes well beyond myself but is now reaching all those I love and those my future self will develop relationships with.  I am on a path to be a better, more evolved, version of myself.  How much money is that worth?  Certainly, the price of the program.

Second, all the time you have spent with me over the 12 weeks was incredible.   I had little appreciation of how much effort you would be putting into this for me.  I had a personal healer with me every step of the way for 12 weeks.  Your personal involvement was incredible.  

I know others might balk at the price but it was worth every penny.  The best money I have ever spent.  I now get to enjoy the fruits of our journey for the rest of my life.



Start your healing journey today!  Gain powerful insight into how the unconscious grief and inherited trauma of the Wounded Feminine may be wreaking havoc In your relationships!  And learn what you can do about it!  Break free from unhealthy relationship patterns, low sense of self-worth, lack of confidence, and fear of being yourself, of following your heart, and being in your power.

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BASED IN: Oregon



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