Those Who Inspire


Astrologer | Author | Teacher | Business Coach

Wow!  Where to begin?  Molly has been a huge inspiration for me over past few years and I listen to her astrology podcasts religiously.  I've taken many of her teachings and have learned so much.   She has helped me to understand myself and my place in the cosmos in ways I could never have imagined.  She is extremely relatable, has a great sense of humor, great view of the world, and tells it like it is.  She channels information from other sources that offers a large view of what is happening with us from an evolutionary and cosmic level.  This stuff goes deep and puts it all into perspective.  I simply do not know where I would be without her.  Everyone I've turned on to her has gotten hooked.  She is amazing!  Do yourself a favor!

YouTube | Website | Business Support for Spiritual Entrepreneurs


Goddesses | Divine Feminine Archetypes | Spiritual Teachers | Wisdom Guides

These powerful goddesses and Divine Feminine archetypes have been pivotal on my journey.  I have been working with their energies for years, gleaning wisdom, accepting guidance, and connecting with their various attributes and powers.  They each have their own powerful lessons to teach and each embody specific qualities that I seek to connect with and awaken within myself.  Working with them helps me to connect to my own passion, fierceness, compassion, wisdom, love, strength, courage, confidence, and Divine Feminine power.  We work with these archetypal energies to support the awakening of them within ourselves - not to give our power away to external sources, but to, ultimately, recognize their strengths, wisdom, and power within ourselves.  They are a tool and guide - a guide leading us back to ourselves and our own innate strengths, wisdom, compassion, and love.  I highly encourage you to explore and research on your own to find archetypes that speak to you and call you to get in touch with your own unique wisdom and light - find the guides that will lead you back to yourself and to your true heart!


Mother | Goddess | Planet | Divine Feminine | Healer

I don't know if I could recommend a teacher, healer, or guide more highly.  I have learned so much from our beautiful planet and Mother - once I was able to sit down and truly listen.  She has taught me love, compassion, courage, confidence, and strength in a thousand different ways.  She has held me, loved me, cared for me, empowered me, and inspired me to ever keep reaching for my highest self while She holds me strong and rooted to my foundation and to my home.  She has provided me a home when I felt I had none.  She has helped me understand the meaning of home and the meaning of interconnectedness.  She has taught me the never-ending possibilities of creative power and potential with the wondrous variety of creatures and life-forms that She hosts.  She has taught me the meaning of fierceness and the necessity of destruction as a part of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.  She has taught me to embrace those cycles and the importance of each aspect. 

She has taught me how to be tender and patient such as when caring for newly planted seeds who require loving care and nourishment to grow.  She has taught me the folly of excess and carelessness.  She has taught me of the profound healing that happens when we tap into and connect with Her frequencies.  She has taught me how to love, care for, and appreciate diversity and to find beauty the tiniest of things.  Her lessons and wisdom are boundless and I continue to glean more and more every day - the more I quiet myself, open to Her, and listen, the deeper the wisdom and love that I am able to connect to.  I honor my connection to Her like nothing else.  I am forever in awe, wonder, devotion, and gratitude.  It is an absolute blessing to call Her my home.

DR. JOE DISPENZA:  Author | Teacher | Lecturer

I have been into Dr. Joe for awhile now and feel my mind has been pretty much blown - and completely changed!  This guy really gets down to the heart of the matter and helps you change your reality by changing the negative thought patterns in your mind.  We give so much of our power and energy away to recurring, negative, outdated thought processes and behaviors.  We need all the help we can get at recognizing these unconscious patterns, bringing them into the light, learning a new way to focus and harness our energy, and create new, positive ways of being in the world.  Pretty life-changing!  I watch his series on Gaia, read his books, have checked out a documentary, and most importantly, have put his tools and teachings to work in my own life with amazing results.  I love him and think you might too!  To get a quick feel for whether or not he resonates, check out his Instagram feed for some great mini-teachings.  And if you're not on IG, his website is pretty informative as well.  Check it out!

Website | YouTube

GREGG BRADEN:  Author | Scientist | Educator | Visionary

“Gregg Braden is a rare blend of scientist, visionary and scholar with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts.”  DEEPAK CHOPRA, M.D.

Gregg Braden is a scientist who bridges science, spirituality and the wisdom of the ancients to awaken people’s consciousness about who we are and where we come from. His teachings inspire and educate so that we can move forward into a more conscious way of living and being. He backs up his discoveries and findings with peer-reviewed science in a way that is meant to enlighten, inspire and increase our human potential. He has authored many books and speaks around the world bringing together modern science and the wisdom of the past. His contributions and teachings help to bring real solutions to issues that challenge our lives today. I enjoy watching his series Missing Links on Gaia. I love the uplifting and inspirational wisdom I receive from his Instagram posts.  I  think you might too!  His website is highly informative as well with access to his books and speaking schedule.  Yay!

Instagram | Website



Start your healing journey today!  Gain powerful insight into how the unconscious grief and inherited trauma of the Wounded Feminine may be wreaking havoc In your relationships!  And learn what you can do about it!  Break free from unhealthy relationship patterns, low sense of self-worth, lack of confidence, and fear of being yourself, of following your heart, and being in your power.

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BASED IN: Oregon



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