Healing Sacred Feminine


Unleash Your Inner Sacred Feminine: A 6-Week Journey of Healing and Transformation

Heal Your Wounded Feminine Archetype

Opening To and Attract In Inspired, Passionate, Loving Relationships

Reclaim Personal Power

Journey Back to Your Heart

The Vision

I am so excited that you are ready to feel confident in relationship, fully met by your Beloved - inspired, passionate, connected, cherished and loved.  You're ready to feel strong in your sense of self and to experience the depth, beauty, passion and power of healthy union.

You’ve read the relationship books, you’ve tried intimacy workshops, you’ve looked into tantric techniques, maybe even tried relationship counseling, but you haven’t experienced the true depth and connection you are longing for.
You know you are capable of experiencing so much more love and passion and connection.  Why does it continue to elude you?
And…you are just so tired of the over-doing in your relationships, of being the one to initiate, of taking on way too much responsibility and not feeling fully met or appreciated for your efforts.

You’re left feeling drained, depleted, frustrated, defensive, bitter, confused, lonely, and scared. 

What you really want in relationship is to feel inspired, loved, supported, connected, honored, cherished and valued - for all of who you are:
- without over-doing, over-initiating, and people-pleasing for your partner
- without compromising or changing important aspects of yourself
- without shutting down, getting defensive and feeling resentful

You are ready to reclaim your personal power in relationship, to open to a deeper capacity for love and connection, to attract in the Beloved who can truly meet you in the truth and fullness of your being.

Are You Ready to Learn More?

Schedule Your Discovery Call Today

I look forward to supporting you on your journey...

Let's embrace a new way of  being in relationship - with ourselves, with our Beloved, with our life!

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