Stones, Incenses, and More


Yeah, I know.  Maybe not the tool you expected, but it seriously is the foundation of everything we do and deeply affects how we think, feel, and navigate our lives.  I am definitely speaking from my own lived experience and from watching the experience of others.  If you are putting unhealthy, heavy, chemically food into your body, you are going to have an unhealthy, heavy, distorted experience of life.*  It really is as simple as that.  Emotions are deeply affected by diet; gluten, dairy, and other grains very seriously alter mental health, contributing to depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, sluggishness and lack of clarity.  Chemicals found in many foods contribute to very serious health issues in the body, the list of which is simply too long to get into here.  In order to have a healthy energy body, a healthy sexuality and a healthy spiritual and/or magickal practice, good mental health, and a healthy experience of the world around you, working with your diet is essential.  You are what you eat.  You really are!

I personally love, and see people thrive on, a gluten-free, dairy free, plant-based diets - or minimal meat intake at best, so long as it is consciously raised with no antibiotics, no GMOs and is consciously slaughtered.*  There are many ways to work consciously with your food intake and choices.  I appreciate that many people are deeply attached to certain foods (I am too!) and the thought of giving them up feels too overwhelming.  Challenge yourself to one month though - give up gluten for one month, just as an experiment - knowing you can always go back when the month is up.  Just see what happens.  I double-dog dare you!  Try to approach diet as a science experiment and simply see what happens.  It doesn't have to be an end-all-be-all deal!  Play around.  The results could be life-changing for you at best - at worst, you've gone a month without a specific food item and you now know you can do it!  It is a win/win!

Whew - this section turns out to be the longest and that speaks to how important I know this one to be.  There is a reason why so many spiritual practitioners and traditions emphasize the importance of diet.  Nothing else matters much if you don't have your health - and you certainly can't make much spiritual progress if your body is weighted down with the effects of unhealthy diet!  I am glad to share more should you have any questions or would like to hear more about what has worked for me.*  I feel super passionately about this one!


These are all tools that support connection to our magickal selves, to the natural vibration of the Earth and to the spirit realm. Each is powerful in its own right and use the vibration of sound to connect the user so that the field is relaxed and open enough to do whatever magickal, mystical and energetic work one desires to accomplish. They have all been used for thousands of years in various traditions to aid the practitioner in connecting to their Higher Source.  If this speaks to you, I highly recommend trying one out to see what it might open up for you and how it might aid you in your journey.


I love drawing a card per day to see what wisdom and guidance my guides have to offer.  I believe the cards are a tool that they use to communicate directly with me and to support my spiritual growth.  It is amazing how insightful and thought-provoking these cards are - and how absolutely spot-on accurate they are for helping me pinpoint issues I am working with - both at the conscious and subconscious levels.  I really cannot recommend these enough.  There are now many decks available, but I would highly recommend starting with the Rider-Waite deck to learn the more traditional symbolism and archetypes of the cards, then branch out after you have a good solid foundation. But hey, most importantly - if you find a deck that speaks to you, go for it!  They will definitely work.  Always follow your heart!


I use essential oils for support with all sorts of things - to aid in my magickal rituals, to enhance creativity, to promote abundance, for health support, for protection and purification, for harmony, balance and success.*  The list goes on and on.  Plants are our allies and their wisdom and healing properties are seriously endless!  If you are interested in learning more, Mixing Essential Oils for Magic by Sandra Kynes is a great place to start.

I use resins, such as Frankincense and Dragon's Blood, to dispel negativity, aid in protection and purify space.  Be careful with Dragon's Blood, however, as it completely wipes out all of the beneficial energy in the space as well - kind of a "nuclear" option, as one of our spirit guides instructed.  Only use when absolutely necessary to deal with extremely heavy energies.  Copal and Myrrh are also great for purification, as well consecration of altar items. Myrrh is especially powerful for opening up the throat chakra and connecting you to your voice.  The smoke of White Sage is a very useful in removing bacteria from the air, improving intuition, purifying objects, spaces and dispelling negative energies, while improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety.

I also love burning incense to promote a calm and inviting atmosphere, which is extremely helpful when performing magick and ritual.

New Renaissance is a great resource for all of these!


Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz: the natural background pulse of the Earth’s electrical signal and the frequency of the Earth. I use tuning forks that are tuned to the 7th and 8th harmonic of the Schumann Resonance. This grounds the body and slows down the frequency from a usual mechanically paced frequency to the slower more natural frequency of the Earth and creates a sense of balance and well-being.

The Fibonacci Sequence is called "nature's secret code," and "nature's universal rule." I use forks that are tuned to the 11th and 12th positions on the Fibonacci Sequence that use harmonics to induce the body and its energy into perfect proportion known as the Golden Ratio 1.618. These create an uplifting and bright feeling that some say helps them connect to their spirit guides and angels.

Solfeggio Frequency: The Solfeggio Frequencies make up an ancient musical scale, once lost but now revived and revered by many. Every Solfeggio tone uses frequencies necessary for balancing energy, keeping the body, mind and spirit in a perfect form of harmony. These are ancient tones that have been used in Gregorian chanting, as well as other types of spiritual singing, toning and music to heal and to induce higher states of consciousness for centuries. There are six main Solfeggio frequencies.

I use 174 Hz Solfeggio frequency to help relieve pain and stress. It works on brain tissues and increases emotional power which encourages the sense of love, safety and inner strength. This one is also very effective in clearing stagnate energy caused by trauma that can be rooted in past events which can block the flow of energy through your chakras.

I also use the 528 Hz for clarity, peace, and DNA healing.  It is known as a miracle tone or the love frequency which has been claimed to heal the DNA and also positively affect cellular water clusters to assist in removing impurities to prevent and cure disease and sickness. This one I generally use after the 174 Hz for a smoothing out effect.

Lastly, I use a 128 Hz.  This fork, in particular, spikes Nitric Oxide, which is a gas that is naturally produced in the body. Nitric oxide has many functions in the body:  it helps dilate blood vessels, supports a healthy heart, boosts brain power, improves sexual health and increases blood flow. When used it relaxes the tissues and reduces inflammation. This fork is especially effective when placed on the third eye, sternum, vertebra and meridian points and can be used for combing and smoothing out energy, as well as basic chakra maintenance. Used primarily for relaxation and grounding, it balances energy to create a sense of well-being. The 128 Hz fork resonates with the deeper tones of the Earth.

For Chakra Cleansing, Healing and Healthy Functioning*

Some favorites by chakra.  I use many of these in my sessions.  Extremely powerful allies.

  • ROOT (Muladhara) | To support our sense of safety, our foundation, survival issues, fears | Bloodstone, Hematite, Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper
  • SACRAL (Swadhisthana) | To support creativity, healthy sexuality, pleasure, passion, playfulness | Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite, Fire Agate, Cinnebar
  • SOLAR PLEXUS (Manipura) | To support self-worth, self-confidence, empowerment, self-esteem | Amber, Citrine, Sun Stone, Honey Calcite, Tiger's Eye
  • HEART (Anahata) | Opening to love, compassion, forgiveness, empathy | Rose Quartz, Jade, Morganite, Emerald, Malachite
  • THROAT (Vishuddha) | Speaking your truth, communication, self-expression | Angelite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite
  • THIRD-EYE (Ajna) | To support intuition, spiritual enlightenment, wisdom | Amethyst, Flourite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
  • CROWN (Sahasrara) | To support spiritual connection | Clear Quartz, Selenite, Serpentine, Spirit Quartz, Amethyst


I have found a great deal of wisdom and guidance from utilizing oracle cards.  There are many different types of decks out there that have been inspired by a wide range of traditions, topics, and interests.  Druid cards, Wicca cards, nature cards, fairy cards – you name it.  There are many ways to use these cards, but my favorite way is to simply pull a card when I feel called to it and see what wisdom it offers up.  They have an uncanny way of being right on point and stirring something deep in our subconscious that is ready to be reflected on.  I consider these cards to be another tool that my angels and spirit guides use to communicate with me.  A favorite deck I like is call Spirit of the Wheel by Linda Ewashina and Jody Bergsma.  These beautiful cards have a Native American motif and the messages are inspired by different animals, the elements of our world, and other powerful symbolism.  The wisdom is powerful and always so welcome and helpful.  I also super LOVE anything by Alana Fairchild - she is amazing!  And she has apps, too, if that is your thing.  Great for traveling!  I highly recommend finding a deck that speaks to you and see what wisdom your guides have in store for you!


Part of being in our energetic power means learning how to work with the energies in our environment.  For this, I absolutely adore candle magick rituals.  A number of different colors of candles are available and each color corresponds with different powerful elements and qualities that I am working with and calling in for any given number of reasons – to increase access to our powers of creativity, open to greater success in an endeavor, call in abundance and prosperity, release negative patterns of thought and action, etc.  The colors correspond with different planetary and astrological energies I want to work with, as well as with different archangels, different elements, different lunar cycles, and the list goes on and on!  To further enhance my magick, I love anointing my candles with essential oils that correspond with the qualities and desired effects that I am working towards, bringing in the energies and wisdoms of our amazing plant allies.  These are simple, yet profound rituals that support my working directly with a number of different energies to support my spiritual growth and being in alignment with my True Will and with my heart.  They have brought about extremely powerful results.  Highly recommended!  You can find colored candles at your local metaphysical shop or online.  I have found THIS WEBSITE to be the most thorough resource for explaining the various candle colors and their corresponding planetary and astrological energies.  If you have any questions, do feel free to reach out – I am happy to help!


I work with many, many different stones and crystals, but the three I consider the most powerful for doing magick are Labradorite, Amber, and Cinnebar.  All three are considered “magician’s stones” due to their ability to harness and transform energies, protect from outside forces, and bring about powerful results for the user.  These are excellent crystals to start out with if you are interested in getting much more intentional about working with your energy.  I also cannot say enough amazing things about Purpurite.  It has been totally rocking my world as of late. 

*See Disclaimer

Powerful Stones, Crystals and Essential Oils for Protection

If you haven't already done so, be sure to download my amazing booklet where I share a whole list of amazing resources to protect and strengthen your energy field and your environment.  Check it out below!



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BASED IN: Oregon



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