Healing Sacred Feminine

Download Your Free Workbook and Get Started on Reclaiming Loving, Passionate Relationships TODAY!


I believe that a huge part of our empowerment journey must include recognizing, acknowledging and clearing the powerful patterns of unconscious grief and inherited trauma of the Wounded Feminine Archetype that is causing us much turmoil - contributing to unhealthy relationships, low sense of self-worth, dis-ease in our bodies, disconnection from our hearts, living in lack-mentality, and challenged around our spirituality.  We must break free from these debilitating Wounded Feminine patterns once and for all! I have created this booklet to help you start recognizing and exploring how this unconscious grief is sabotaging your relationships - and what you can do about it!  It is time to get started on your journey back to true love - back to passion - back to your heart!

More Than A Workbook

13 Expressions of the Wounded Feminine!

We dive into a number of ways that the Wounded Feminine Arcehtype typically expresses herself in our relationships.  Knowing is half the battle!  If we don't have any understanding of the energies we are working with, we cannot expect to enjoy the loving relationships we long for!  With this workbook, you will quickly have great awareness around some of the unconscious patterns that have been taking a serious toll on your partnerships!

Writing Prompts to Take You Deep Into Your Healing Journey

How are the energies of the Wounded Feminine Archetype showing up for you very specifically?  Writing is a powerful tool to bring us great insight and wisdom regarding what we are working with.  Writing has the power to bypass the thinking mind and get right to the heart of the matter!  It goes deep - which is precisely where unconscious grief and trauma hide!

Awesome Specials!

I share a few special coupon codes to support your moving forward on your healing path!

Action to Move You Forward

Its not enough just to gain awareness of the unconscious grief - what do we do  now and how do we work to clear it from ourselves and our relationships?  Learn powerful action you can take to support your inspired, loving relationships!


I include a number of awesome resources to support transformation, on-going education, connection with other women doing this work, transformative books, and tools to aid you on your journey!  We are all in this together!

Best of All - Freedom!

Discover a new-found freedom when you are able to finally understand where some of your unhealthy patterns and challenges stem from.  Once we have this new awareness, we are able to start healing on a whole new level!  Reclaim your power, connect more fully with your partner and with your heart, support a calm mind and healthy body, uncover what healthy sexuality looks like for you.  All of this is possible when we clear these toxic, fear-based energies of the Wounded Feminine and start to fully embody our empowered Sacred Feminine!!!  The relationships we long for can be ours!


What words do you choose when an entire new universe has been opened up to you and your life trajectory has been permanently altered for the better?  Prayers for a new path, held for so long, answered.  The time spent and lessons learned from you have forever changed me.  What words could ever do that justice?


That was such an amazing and powerful session Saidi!  I still can't believe how insightful it was.  And the message from my spirit guides!  All the things I've pushed down for so long, these sessions seem to draw them out of me to deal with and heal.  I am so grateful for you Saidi.  You've literally changed the trajectory of my life through your work: sessions, program and connection. Thank you so much!

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BASED IN: Oregon



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